Kerri, with a K

trying to be me

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Because this actually happened…

Um.  The Boy has gone totally insane.  Like really, totally, and completely insane.  Like, I have no idea what to do with this kid anymore.  Like, he’s so freaking smart that he may need to go to school now instead of waiting until he’s of age.

Not only is he walking, but he’s responding like a champ.  He runs to an open door immediately so he can both open AND close it.  Because we need help opening and closing our doors.

Today, we went to the beach, as we do most days when it’s hot.  The Boy had so much fun playing in the sand and destroying sand castles, although the ocean water is still a challenge.  When he was done playing, he understandably got a little fussy.  Noticing that we weren’t doing anything about leaving yet, he escaped and crawled a few feet away to where our shoes and Hubs’ tshirt was.  Boy picked up the tshirt, and started walking back to Hubs with the tshirt in the air, as if to say, all right, guys I’m done now.  I have your shirt so now we can go.

Um.  What???

He plays the piano.  It used to be banging with his hands and all the keys and sounded like banging.  Now?  He’s playing individual notes with individual fingers, and it sounds really nice.

Who IS this kid?  And NOW what do I do with him?  It’s like he’s two.  And he just turned one.

He answers questions with sounds and gestures.  Simple things like, do you want mumma to cut up your hot dog so you can eat it? Because that is a simple question that a one year old can answer.  And he handed me his hot dog.

I’m just saying.

I may be a little biased because he’s my son.  But he is awfully smart.

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Ongoings and Businessy Things

Been a bit busy lately.  And I have quite a few posts that are in need of backdating, because they should have been posted long ago.  Including the Boy’s 11 month newsletter.  Especially since he’ll be 1 in less than 10 days.  Pretty amazing.  And I could go on and on about all the fantastic and amazing things he does and gush over him, but I’ll save that for his newsletters.

I’ve been busy doing quite a bit actually.  Hubs and I have been going to our local farmer’s market and trying to sell things.  What REALLY happened was that we got a lot of email addresses and phone numbers for a nice database.  So we’ll see if anything comes from that.

Also, and probably more importantly, I found myself a paid writing position.  Well, it’s a contract/freelance type gig, but it pays.  So I’m SO game.  It’s nice.  I can turn over a large number of articles in  a short period of time for any given project, and there’s very little editing that is requested of me.  It’s pretty awesome.  So awesome that I’ll be ordering business cards soon.  Yup.  I think this could take off.  And at the very least, I’ll have something to put in those fishbowls at restaurants to win a free lunch.  Optimistic, no?

So, if you are in need of a writer, check out my contact/hire me page that will be coming soon.  Because this is my blog and I’m allowed to promote myself, shamelessly or otherwise.