Kerri, with a K

trying to be me

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Life in List Form

Because I absolutely love lists, an there’s so much stuff, it’s easier than posting 35 things on Twitter or Facebook all at once.

  • Logan is growing so fast, and he’s sooo loud and sooo funny.
  • Hubs has a gig tonite at a place called the First Ladies Tea Parlor.  Go ahead.  Laugh.  It is funny.  And I was the one that found him this gig.
  • It’s raining again.  And it’s cooler than I’d like, but next week?  Back in the 80’s.
  • Logan’s baptism is coming up in 10 days, and I am nowhere near prepared.  Well, we have the church/mass all ready, but I think that’s about it.  Although I am considering talking to one of the ladies at church to see if she has an idea about the hall and food…
  • Hubs wants to put out a tip jar tonite.  He’s practicing now.  He really should be sleeping.
  • I love not having cable and watching TV on the internet.  Except for TNT.  They pretty much suck and won’t let me watch Leverage.  Or anything else.
  • I’ve been playing around on Google+ and syncing my Google calendar with my iPhone.  I didn’t realize life was so busy until I started putting things on the calendar.
  • I think I’m doing a focus group online in two weeks.  I have to remember to call and confirm.  They said they would call me, but haven’t yet.  It’s $75, and I like focus groups.
  • I haven’t Skyped with the parentals in a few days.  Oh darn.
  • And Logan loves Tigger.

The End.

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Newsletter: Month Three

Dear Logan:

You’re three months old now.  Actually, you’re three months and a few weeks.  You turned three months on 9/11.  I didn’t want to post your newsletter that day because there was just so much else going on.  Ten years later.  I wonder how your dad and I are going to teach you about all the evils in the world, but not to be afraid of them, and to stand up for what you believe in.

But, wow.  Three months.  Time reallly does fly and at the same time move so slowly.  I just can’t get over that.  And every day you learn something new.

You’ve been talking so much more.  And you’ve learned to babble and blow raspberries.  But my favorite thing of all is that you learned how to scream.  At first, it seemed like it was just for fun, but then you started using it to communicate that you were hungry and tired.  I must say, the screaming is far more pleasant than crying, which makes me sad.  The screaming is pretty funny – for now.  And it’ll be funny until it isn’t anymore.

Your dad and I learned that you love to watch yourself on video.  We recorded you watching yourself, and talking to the video, and you loved it, and it calmed you down an awful lot.

Although, I think we created a monster because now you love to watch TV.  Perhaps that was to be expected, and you don’t have a real idea about what you’re watching, but that just means we have to be careful what we watch while you’re awake.

We took you on your first road trip over Labor Day weekend.  Your dad lost a friend, whom he still refers to as a former boss, and we thought to take the opportunity to visit your grandparents and various others on a trip up to Boston.  You got to meet your Aunt Mary, and your Pops’ closest and oldest friend, Cliff, and the crazy neighbor lady whose name I can never remember.  (Unless it’s Joanne, because then I TOTALLY remember it).

And your met your Papa, and got to see Grammie again.  Not to mention your cousins Austin, Liam and Ian, and your Auntie Erica and Uncle Don.

And then there was Kathy, your godmother and my best friend, and her family – Roger, Allison and Sarah.

And everyone absolutely loved you.

Oh, and all those Grandmas… the ones that love your daddy.

You were so great on your very first road trip.  We were in a different car, and we had never been on the road for that long yet, so I could understand why you were so cranky and sad.  But we fixed that immediately, and the rest of your trip was good.

One of the most fascinating things about your trip to the frigid north was the extent to which you respond to music.  We knew before that you enjoyed listening to dad play the piano, and the songs we sing in church.  But there was a moment when it just hit me that you absolutely LOVE music.  You were so cranky, nearly inconsolable and there was nothing you wanted to do… until dad brought you over to the piano and started playing for you.  And it was like a switch flipped inside you, and you were so content and calm listening to the sounds of the keys.  It was truly amazing.

Since we’ve been back, or maybe even a little before we left, we’ve been skyping with Meemaw and Pops, and they have absolutely loved it.  I’ve never seen them happier than when they get to see you on the computer.  Sure, you have no idea that the silly baby on the screen is actually you, but it is, and you love it.

I’m so proud to be your mom, and so excited to see what new things you’ll learn next.  So far, it’s been quite a ride, and I can’t wait for more.



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This is the token 9/11 post.  The one where I’m supposed to remember where I was 10 years ago today, when the world nearly ended.

I suspect that lots of people will be writing and remembering and gathering today.  I even read somewhere that there is going to be a huge gathering at Ground Zero.  I also read that the firefighters and police officers were not invited to this gathering because there would be no room after all those politicians.

If it’s true, it’s very sad.

I’m not going to talk about me in this post, but my generation.

I won’t say that I was in the lounge at school, watching the news on the television.  I won’t say that I sat in my car for hours listening to Howard Stern cover the events as thouroughly as he could while sending most of his staff home.  I won’t say that I called everyone I knew to make sure they were okay and that no one they knew was hurt.

9/11 occurred during a time before Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace were around.  Before social networking was the fastest and most accurate way to get your news.  It occurred during a time when we still watched TV and read the newspaper to see what was going on.

It was a time before we had kids, or got married, or got REAL jobs and apartments and became adults.  We didn’t need to think about the future because we could worry about it tomorrow, and today we could still be kids.  We didn’t need to enlist in the military, or think about wars that weren’t in our history books.  It was a time when we could still be naive and no one would mind.

But that all changed in a split second.  All of a sudden, the world almost ended.  All of a sudden we’re going overseas to fight the good fight and show the terrorists that they would not win.  It was then we became patriots.

Ten years ago.

Ten years is a long time, and today it seems like it passed by so quickly.  And maybe it did, because time is relative.  But for some people, Ten years never passed.  For all the people that lost their lives in the World Trade Center Towers, and all those who fought in this war and lost their lives so we could be living ours, ten years did not pass.

There is a man at our church whose name I will someday remember, and he always says when asked what we should pray for: let us pray for all those who have no one to pray for them and cannot pray for themselves.  I thought of that when I started this post.  All those men and women lost their lives unneccessarily, and so many still do, and they cannot pray for themselves.  So on this tenth anniversary of the day the world almost ended, I will remember them, and honor them and pray for them, because what they were doing ten years ago today is far more important that what I was doing ten  years ago today.