Kerri, with a K

trying to be me

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H is for… Home Opener

‘Tis the season for… BASEBALL!  And I expect there to be lots and lots of it this season.

Today, we went to the Tides Opening Day.  The Tides are our local AAA Team.  The other day we saw the Tides play the Baltimore Orioles in an exhibition game, wherein the Tides won.  Just a note, the Tides are the farm team for the Orioles, meaning the Orioles pull players up from the Tides to play in the majors.  Also, it is my opinion that if you are playing against your farm team, you ought to be winning.


This was the Boy’s first opening day.  We went a little early and got to see some batting practice, but the highlight for the Boy, I’m sure, was the Tides band, which consisted of a tuba, trombone, trumpet, and a drum.  The Boy was truly enthralled – they took breaks, and he would look around to see what else was going on, but as soon as they started playing again, he looked at them the entire time.

Other than the band, he did really well.  We sat next to a Gramma and Grampa who were just hysterical.  The Boy bonded with Gramma when she gave him a french fry, and then another.  Happiest kid ever.  Hubs said the Gramma just kept going with the jokes.  “There are so many Os on the scoreboard we could make Spaghetti-O’s.”

The Tides lost their Home Opener 1-0.  But it was a great game, with a great atmosphere.  And free tacos.  At the end of the game, Taco Bell was giving out samples of their new Doritos Taco, which was sooo yummy!

Can’t wait for more baseball this season.



F is for… F/18

It’s been all over the news.  It started locally, but wasted no time spreading like wildfire to DC, Baltimore, New Jersey, the Boston, and beyond I’m sure.  But the news was scary, nonetheless.  A Military Jet (F/18) crashed into a local apartment complex in Virginia Beach just after noon today.  The very same apartment complex Hubs and I would drive by going to the beach for the last two summers.  The very same type of jets that flew over our apartment a few miles away where we lived for two years.  Yeah, it’s scary.

And the miracle here is that everyone survived.  There were several people injured, but no one died.  And with a direct hit like that, I’m surprised but happy that no one died.  Today was Good Friday, and I can imagine there were many people that took the day off or left work early, not to mention all the kids that weren’t in school because of April break or Good Friday.  This had the potential to be a much bigger disaster.

Hubs and I talked to lots of different people who were basically saying the same thing: nothing like this has EVER happened before.  EVER.  And the amusing part to everyone is that in December, they were running maneuvers that used this very scenario, one that would help them navigate through the situation where a jet would land anywhere but the Naval Base.

And no.  No one has ever crashed into an apartment complex like this before, in this area.  However, that is not the first crash the Oceana Naval Air Station has seen 25 crashes over the past four decades, the most recent being in 2007 during a practice run for an airshow.  The jet crashed beyond the runway in the woods and the pilot died.  You can read about a few other incidents in our local paper here.

Whether there have been dozens of crashes or none, it’s still scary to think about those jets flying over our apartment, over the beach, day after day, practicing maneuvers, making noise.

I’m not gonna lie.  I don’t miss those jets.  I didn’t mind them when we lived in their air path.  But I certainly didn’t miss them.  And I miss them much less now.